The Labrador Club of WA held its first trial of 2024.
The Marie Ewan All Age Stake at Arthur River, Sunday 31st March. Whilst the lack of any recent rains made water access a struggle, we were fortunate to have a stunning cooler day with just 25 degree temperatures.
Our thanks to Judge Eleanor Johnson and Chief Steward Ray Johnson, also to our stewards Mark, Ben, Sally, Allan and Annie. A special thanks as always to Ken the property owner and Ray for liaising with Ken for permission to camp and run the trial on the property.
Run one was a triple mark. The second run was a blind, walk-up mark and a second mark. Third run comprised a mark into water amongst decoys with a double fall thrown as the dog left the firing point.
12 dogs were entered and 3 finishers.
1st RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Leroux UD RN
Golden Retriever handled by Alex Deasey 137 Pts.
2nd Sunhunny Karris Evening Star JD AD
Golden Reteriever handled by Alison Jennings 78 Pts.
3rd RT CH Boomermagic Solar Flare AD JDO JDM SWA RM
Labrador Retriever handled by Maggie Hankinson 75Pts.
Thank you Colin Hankinson for the report and photo
The Labrador Club of WA held its first Novice and Restricted trials for 2024 on May 19
Whilst the lack of any recent rains made water at a premium, we were fortunate on this property to have access to a clean water dam area. Whilst the morning started with a stiff and cool breeze which caught some out the day warmed to a milder 23º in the midafternoon.
Our thanks to Judge Kerry Webster and Chief Steward Ian Molyneux, also to our stewards Steve, Adam, Kirsty, Terry, Anthony, Marleen and Ian Webster. A special thanks as always to Bill and Marnie the property owners and Kerry for liaising with Bill for permission to run the trial on the property.
Mossbank Novice results:-
The first two Novice runs were back to back with a short 2-3minute break whilst moving from run one to run two, some 10meters apart. Then the Third run into the dam water concluded the Novice Trial. 17 dogs had entered with 2 scratching’s we had 15 dogs start and 12 dogs finished.
This win now give Olive her NRD Title, subject to Dogs West approval. CONGRATULATIONS.
Run one was a mark double rise. The second run was a blind, with a mark “go” bird. Third run comprised two marks into the dam water the first bird being the memory bird. 15 dogs had entered with 1 scratching’s we had 14 dogs start and 11 finishers.

The final Novice and Restricted trials for 2024 were held on August 11
A great day with the weather gods being kind to us, starting out with a cloudy light rain which stopped before the first run and cleared to a glorious sunny day, the trial was held on a property on the corner of Hobbs Road Westdale. Our appreciation to the property owners for allowing us to use this beautiful property and to Ray Johnson for organising permission to use the site.
Judge: Mrs Heather Ellis Chief Steward: Colin Hankinson \ Lyn Wise
Many thanks to our Stewards: Dennis Graham and Katie Partridge and Maggie Hankinson for their help.
7 dogs Started, 6 Finished
1st Place Wherryman Ruby Plains RE CD – Tricia McGregor – 169 pts
2nd Place Ellishea Phoenixs Ash – Catherine Thorburn – 161 pts
3rd Place Wauchope Nip Ov Whiskey QND – Ray Johnson 159 pts

The Labrador Club of WA held their final All Age trial for the 2024 retrieving season, The Flash Memorial Shield, at a spectacular property on Katrine Road near Northam. Our appreciation to the property owners for allowing us to use this beautiful property and to Allan Bartram and Catherine Thorburn for organising permission to use the site.
A huge thank you to our Judge, Chief Steward and all our field stewards for enduring a wet, cold and sometimes very windy day, a complete bag of all the worst weather conditions that nature threw at us during this event.
Judge: Mrs Catherine Thorburn (WA) Chief Steward: Mr Allan Bartram
Many thanks to our Stewards: Dennis Graham, Mark Jackson, Steve Conroy, Adam Deasey, Katie Partridge, Colin Hankinson and Anne Cameron, many of whom had travelled to the trial site just for the day to support our trial.
We wish to thank Jean & David Henderson, Colin & Maggie Hankinson along with Catherine Thorburn who jointly donated prizes for our Trophy table.
11 dogs Started, 8 Finished
1st Place RT CH Ellishea Rips Stormgirl – Heather Ellis – 213pts
2nd Place RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Flash – Heather Ellis – 210pts
3rd Place RT CH Boomermagic Booms Addiction AD. JDN.RE. SWA. CM. – Ann Graham – 210pts
Best Non-Champion – Wauchope Naked Gun NRD – Eleanor Johnson
Best Veteran – RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Flash – Heather Ellis
Team Event – Team #1 – 544pts Lyn Wise with Fergie, Alex Deasy with Rouxi, Heather Ellis with Flash
Catherine Thorburn gave a Judges Award to Wauchope Naked Gun NRD – Eleanor Johnson